Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, in fact anyone of any nationality can start a business in the UK. You don’t need residential status or even to be living in the country. The only stipulation is that the company must be registered to a UK address. This is where we can help, by providing you with a legal UK address that you can use to register your company and receive correspondence to.

It typically takes up to 48 hours, from choosing a company name to getting your application approved at Companies House. 

As a minimum, you will need:

  1. A registered office in the UK. This can be a virtual office and does not need to be owned by you.
  2. Your business activity: what type of services or products your business offers.
  3. Details of all Directors of the company, including full name, home address, telephone numbers and date of birth.
  4. Details of all shareholders and the shareholding they will have. This can be as little as one share each.
  5. Company Secretary Details (optional)
  6. Person with significant control where the person is not a director, shareholder or secretary.
  7. Security questions which may include your place of birth, Mother’s maiden name and Father’s first name.
  8. An email address and telephone number. We can provide these for you if you do not have a company email address and require a UK telephone number for your business, however, your telephone number does not need to be a UK number.

Yes, you can. A director, secretary or shareholder of a UK company can live anywhere in the world. There is no requirement for any of the owners or company officers to be resident or to have any prior connection or residence with or in the UK in any respect

After registration, your company must  issue each shareholder with a Share Certificate within two months. When you start trading, you will need a charted accountant. We can help if you do not have an accountant and require one.

We can build your company website, help with marketing and source partner services for you including your registered office, telephone number, business services and visa services if you are looking to move to the UK. We also provide business growth and development support.
